To this end, “Marzotto Training” is an umbrella for the company’s internal training programs, which are structured as specialist personalized tools for key people and include initiatives to expand the technical/managerial skills and knowledge of professional communities (salespeople, designers, engineers, etc.) and initiatives to develop our young talents.
These indoor, outdoor and on-the-job programs have been created to stimulate people’s curiosity, creativity and thirst for success.
The hub of the Marzotto Training effort is the Company Intranet where new training-related content and materials are always regularly added.
Marzotto Group manages workplace safety issues scrupulously and holistically.
Our training courses, with tailored content, are geared to prevent risks during particular activities and serve to enhance the culture of safety within the company.
The overall aim is to maintain excellent working conditions for all our staff.

In assigning new professional and managerial responsibilities the Group favors the candidatures of its own employees. Key to growth is professional and geographic mobility, as this fosters interfunctional and international management skills.
A structured system of human resource policies is fundamental to retaining and motivating our highest-performing and highest-potential people.
Business and process vision, proactivity, urge for results, speed of action and thought, inclination to challenge and change, intercultural sensibility, ability to work in situations of ambiguity and uncertainty are all factors the Group recognizes and rewards.